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About us

Using innovation to innovate...

It could seem like a pun, but it's not...

it's the way that since its foundation Parsec has adopted to approach and solve its customers' needs.

"Changing the point of view to offer specific innovative solutions"


this saying is at the foundations of our way of working...
in the change we feel creative and vital
in the metamorphosis we perceive the possibilities of being able to transfer new lifeblood to the ones that approach us...

Parsec has been implementing internet projects for fifteen years, obtaining the results in the specific context of each customer, using and adopting a vast asset of technical knowledge and exploiting the best creative resources available on the market. We help you to evaluate all the opportunities to attract and get new customers given by the internet,
to enhance your markets and to increase the level of accessibility of informations.
Parsec is the ideal partner for whoever needs to strengthen its strategies, connecting in a correct way every type of internet tools... and we are here, just a clic away, ready to reach together our common goals.

  Photo: courtesy Tony Mendoza - Special thanks to Sublimeterror

© 2008 Parsec Tech S.r.l. - via Cassa di Risparmio 11/b - 39012 Merano (BZ) - ITALY - Tel. +39 0473 420800 - P.I./C.F. 01670430212 - Email: